Author and project
Quantum Ghost Hunt
Our group implemented a small game using a PewPew emulator, which is programmed using pygame, a game library made for the python programming language. In addition, we used Qiskit/Microqiskit to implement the quantum logic gates used in the game, which make up the quantum side of the game.
These were relevant because most of them are directly related to the tools I had to learn for implementing the game. A couple of them are also just some of my all time favourites that I wanted to share.
PewPew documentation
When I’m learning a new programming language, module or package or software I’ve always found it to be useful to refer back to the official documentation, over and over again. The documentation usually includes everything you need, from setting up, all the functions and their descriptions and often even tutorials. The good thing is that they’re also kept up to date, so referring to them you’re making sure you’re not working with old info. So this link is the PewPew emulator documentation, it’s very short, but I’ve still referred to it over and over during the course.
Qiskit fundamentals tutorial
Qiskit is IBM’s open-source programming environment that allows you program a quantum computer using quantum logic gates. You can either simulate, or actually run your code on one of IBM’s quantum computers. Qiskit.org is full of useful resources for learning Qiskit, and this is where you can start off.
IBM’s Qiskit YouTube channel
No self learning effort is complete without YouTube tutorials, and this series is excellent for learning Qiskit.
Article on quantum battleships written by Dr James Wootton
One of the best articles I’ve read explaining the point of using quantum computing (vs classical computers) for games. Dr Wootton has many other very useful articles that are all worth reading in order to understand the concepts better and are all worth checking out.