In Beach Buddy Diet the player controls a character that aims for a nice beach body by going to the gym and eating the buddies there who have “right” kind of body parts. Be careful though when eating body parts, you might end up with unwanted body features too.

How to play the game?
Player uses the mouse to click on the screen to move the main character. When the character is close to another character, the main character eats it automatically.

How was this game made?
This game was made at Aalto University in Spring 2020 by Ludic Quantum and Playable Concept project teams as an example game for the Quantum Games 2020 course. In our team we had one programmer and 4 designer-artist-storytellers. Because our team had so many art people we decided to make a game that is very colorful and stylized. The initial idea was conceived in a one-day internal jam and was further developed throughout the Spring 2020. We spent some time planning together what would be the best way to change the character’s body parts and where to implement quantum physics. Having no quantum physicist in the team we decided to make a game that uses existing tools provided by IBM’s James Wootton.
How is this related to quantum?
In this game, the integration of the quantum computer into the game mechanics is fairly straightforward: we generate random numbers with the help of Qiskit and IBM’s James Wootton’s The CreativeQiskit package to use in the game in randomizing the composition of the enemies.
The original plan was to use the random maps with random grids tool but it took a lot of time and instead we made the game work with QRNG. The QRNG was used to generate how the buddies appear in the gym.
Adobe Photoshop, Unity 2019.2.16f1, Adobe Audition, Adobe Illustrator, Blender 3D
Teemu Kokkonen – Programming and game design
Noora Heiskanen – Game design, animation & level design
Annakaisa Kultima – Game Design and graphic design
Christina Lassheikki – Game and character design
Solip Park – Game design and tutorial
Sounds from